EarthKraft® Recyclable Mailers

Cumplir con las crecientes demandas de los consumidores de empaque reciclable con soluciones de empaque para proteger sus productos.

Protection lock icon

Protección poderosa

El acolchado ligero protege sus productos en toda la cadena de suministro.

We’ve produced more than 1 billion recyclable padded mailers!

Recycling bin icon

Reciclable mediante recolección residencial*

Considered “widely recyclable”, this mailer makes it easy for consumers to recycle at the curb and carries the How2Recycle label.

Tree icon

A base de papel

Made of sustainably sourced paper and manufactured in the USA.

For every one tree that we use,
at least one tree is regrown!

Gusseted Recyclable Unpadded Mailers


Our gusseted recyclable unpadded mailers are designed to meet all your shipping needs. These expandable, lightweight mailers are easy to pack and provide excellent protection. And with our advanced printing technology, you can achieve vibrant, edge-to-edge designs in up to 4 colors.

Key Benefits

  • Reciclable mediante recolección residencial*
  • Custom Sizes Available
  • SFI® Certified Sourcing: SFI-00007
  • 4-Color Flexographic Printing
  • Edge-to-Edge Printing
  • Hecho en EE. UU.
*Where available
Size 2, 5, and 6 of EarthKraft Recyclable Paper Padded Mailers.

Padded Mailers

EarthKraft’s line of curbside recyclable paper padded mailers are manufactured specifically with protection and sustainability in mindAs an innovative, paper-based alternative to plastic or bubble padded envelopes, our lightweight mailer provides superior strength and performance while remaining cost competitive for the Ecommerce industry. 

Size 2, 5, and 5 of the EarthKraft Recyclable Paper Unpadded Mailers.

Unpadded Mailers

EarthKraft paper unpadded mailers are designed for ease and efficiency. These mailers are lightweight and flexible, making them perfectly suited for apparel and other items that do not need padded packaging during transport. With powerful protection and an easytopack design, our unpadded mailers are a recyclable, cost-effective option for your Ecommerce packaging.

Automated Mailer Solution for Right-Sized Packaging

Transform your packaging system with EarthKraft’s automated mailer solution. Designed to optimize your production line, we offer a paper-based alternative to traditional plastic films and roll stock. We work with you to ensure our material integrates seamlessly into your existing systems, maximizing efficiency. EarthKraft provides the reliable, high-performance, curbside recyclable solutions for automated bagging systems that you need – and that your customers want. 

Hecho pensando en la sostenibilidad

Delivery man handing a padded mailer with the EarthKraft logo to the end-user.

Fibra de origen sostenible

Todos los sobres especiales EarthKraft tienen certificación SFI. Esto asegura:

• fuentes legales y responsables
• utilización de leñadores capacitados
• las mejores prácticas de manejo de forestación

Pine trees filling in the shape of the United States.

Georgia-Pacific y conservación forestal

El programa de bosques en peligro de extinción y áreas especiales de Georgia-Pacific se desarrolló en 2008 para identificar y proteger bosques con alto valor de conservación en los Estados Unidos.

• Más de 2,5 millones de hectáreas de bosques en peligro de extinción identificados
• Más de 700 proveedores para cumplir con nuestro suministro

• Sistemas de monitoreo por satélite implementados

Blue curbside recycling bin with kraft paper mailers in it.

Reciclable mediante recolección residencial

These paper mailers can be placed in any paper/corrugate recycling collection point*; for most, this is their curbside single-stream recycling bin.

*Sujeto a la disponibilidad de la recolección residencial local


See EarthKraft In Action

How They’re Made

Diseñado pensando en el comercio electrónico

Repair tools on work desk.

Mejoras de vivienda y herramientas

Various physical game pieces on chess board.

Juegos y juguetes

Assorted vitamin pills

Vitaminas y suplementos

Makeup products

Saludo y belleza

Exercise clothes and shoes


School supplies scattered on table

Elementos escolares y productos electrónicos

EarthKraft padded paper mailer specifications.
EarthKraft unpadded paper mailer specifications.
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